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Silver Dollar r/c Raceway - by A Main Hobbies

An amazing off-road track, located in Chico, Northern California. Serious jumps, an interesting infield, 2 'table top' corners and a fast back straight. A thrill to race your 4WD short course truck on this track, a real challenge!

Silver Dollar r/c Raceway video
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1:10 Short Course 4WDn/a
1:8 Nitro buggyn/a
1:8 Nitro buggy Specn/a
1:10 Short Course 4WD 13.5Tn/a
1:8 Electric buggyn/a
1:8 Electric buggy Specn/a
1:10 Electric Stadium Truckn/a
1:10 Electric Stadium Truck Specn/a
1:10 Electric Crawlern/a
1:8 Rally Xn/a
1:8 Rally X Specn/a
00 00 00
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News of August, 2013

2013 Season 3 Round 3 SCT at Silver Dollar



More Features More fun
I am willing to bet that most people reading this article and or playing this game don’t know exactly how to utilize all of the features that are built in to make your practice and racing experience more enjoyable. I will explain three key features right now, event replays, club races, and Participating official Season events.

Blast into the past with event replays
When you launch the game execution file you end up in the pits looking at the top of the page there are several options. From left to right the options are:
Practice - Timed Trial - Events - Multiplayer - Replay - Car Setup

I would like to focus on the events options right now and more specifically replays. IMPORTANT! This is the Event Replay Saved on the VRC Server not the replays you save on your computer. When you select events the menu will load, at the top left you have two options, current events or past events.
I like to go back to the past events and run my practice sessions like this. I go to Club, D Main and race until I win. Then I go to Club C and race until I win. Club B Main, race until I win, Club A Main and race until I get 1,2,3 If I finish 3rd or better I have to advance to Sport class then I start that process all over again.
You can also choose to watch yours or any other race on the server. The race replays go back quite a while by the way. When you choose watch replay you will have access to an ESPN style video control system. If you want to have access to the first person views so you can see the lines of your competitors you can hold down the CRTL key and hit f8 on the key board. This will allow you to cycle through the drivers just like you can while racing in multiplayer.

Join up or make your own
Club races offer many options specific to your location, there are hundreds of clubs on VRC and more every day. You can ask to join a club or make your own. If you join a club you will ask and wait to be added to the club. When added to the club you will immediately see that clubs list of races on the events server as soon as you log in. You can race hundreds of races per week with these options.

My favorite one is CarsRC because Jose sets up 10 or 11 races per week, (that is a lot of work by the way) your weekly rank is calculated on your 10 best races that week. When I race there this is how I do it. I practice the race track for 5 minutes and then I race the race. Only one try for me, although 30 tries are possible. I try to race all 10 events in one sitting it usually take 1 hour and 30 minutes. On Sunday I see what my rank is. I like that because it gives a variety of races with the most possible competitors in club races. One time I ran # 1 for 4 weeks straight.

Making Headlines
If you want to have front page ranking you have to race season races. All classes and Styles of cars will run over the course of the next two weeks. Here is a list of the series races.
1. 2013 SEASON 3 - 1:8 NITRO
2. 2013 SEASON 3 - 1:8 NITRO SPEC
3. 2013 SEASON 3 - 1:10 ISTC
4. 2013 SEASON 3 - 1:10 ISTC SPEC
5. 2013 SEASON 3 - 1:10 SCT 4WD - by TEKIN
6. 2013 SEASON 3 - 1:10 SCT 4WD 13.5T STOCK - by TEKI
7. 2013 SEASON 3 - 1:12 ELECTRIC
8. 2013 SEASON 3 - 1:12 10.5T BLINKY SPEC
9. 2013 SEASON 3 - 1:10 NITRO
10. 2013 SEASON 3 - 1:10 NITRO SPEC

Each of these events offers three levels of racing, club, sport and pro. Your points apply to the level you are racing in. When you look to see your rank on the front page you will see your rank in your class only. I have rank in three classes because I went from club to pro this year. Along the way I earned points in each class.
Watch, Practice or Race at your level and your pace.

Whatever your style is we have you covered. At the end of the day you will be number 1 in your club if you put the time in. Driving the real RC is easy when your hand eye coordination has been refined by VRC. If you’re watching events, practicing with old replays or racing series races to earn front page billing you will see the results are thrilling. Have some fun while you learn to be smooth on the throttle, easy on the break and drive strong to the finish.

Race Report

Silver Dollar SC10 13.5 4X4, Eben Coetzee was the Top Qualifier; he did not show his hand until early in lap three when he uncorked the double triple in front of the drivers stand. I didn’t think it was possible with the 13.5 motor so I never even tried it but Eben made it look easy. From that point on he seemed to be smoother and fasted every lap. Everybody else was left racing for second place, that being said the race for second involved 5 of the 10 divers in the race. Bryan, Kirby, Christian, Gergely, Donald and Mangus all had their hands in the cookie jar. In the end the finishing order was as follows. Also included in the results is the description of the body so that you can tell who is who in the pictures.

1 Eben Coetzee (Black Proline Body)
2 Bryan Van Rijnberk (White Intercept Body)
3 Kirby Backemeyer (Blue Intercept Body)
4 Christian PaHud (Yellow Black SC10)
5 Gergely Toth (White and Red Proline)
6 Donald Stark (White Yellow SC10)
7 Magnus Hansson (White and Blue SC10)
8 John Trottmann (White and Red SC10)
9 Barnabás Tóth (DNF) Not pictured
10 Nicolas Evens (DNF) Not Pictured

Check our YouTube race video channel, we post racing videos here frequently. Sign up for our channel so you are automatically informed when new videos are posted. And even more important, add 'Likes' to our videos or post them on your Facebook or Twitter pages so your friends, and friends friends get to see all the virtual r/c racing excitement as well. An easy yet effective way to promote VRC Pro and get more racers involved in our competitions. More racers = More fun!


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(Total posts: 6)
13.08.2013 [15:01]
Thanks Kirby. Nice report Donald. I was a bit luck a few times with that triple in spec though.
13.08.2013 [12:13]
keep it up!
13.08.2013 [11:43]
Great report, I like your reports!
12.08.2013 [20:00]
Great report Donald and good job Eben sweeping the wins at Silver Dollar in mod and 13.5.
Making that triple in 13.5 is possible but kind of tricky. You must set the truck up for it very well off the double before and rev the motor up in flight on that double having throttle applied while landing on downward face of double then going for the triple. I was making it pretty well in qualifications but the finals was a another story. I was down to my last run and I believe in 5th place so I played it safe last run and thought about points.

Edited by author: 12.8.2013 19:48:08 GMT
12.08.2013 [12:40]
Great stuff Donald, always enyoy your reports keep up the good work.
12.08.2013 [11:49]
Very interesting all the information provided.

Thanks for the comment on my club. Admittedly I program weekly events, exceto now in August I've programmed with more days, considering holiday season.

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