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Silver Dollar r/c Raceway - by A Main Hobbies

An amazing off-road track, located in Chico, Northern California. Serious jumps, an interesting infield, 2 'table top' corners and a fast back straight. A thrill to race your 4WD short course truck on this track, a real challenge!

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1:8 Nitro buggy Specn/a
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1:8 Electric buggy Specn/a
1:10 Electric Stadium Truckn/a
1:10 Electric Stadium Truck Specn/a
1:10 Electric Crawlern/a
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1:8 Rally X Specn/a
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2013 Season 4 Championship Edition


Report by Donald Stark (VRC race reporter)

World Championship RC Club VRC!

In Southern California USA we are spoiled with great weather 95% of the year, we have an overabundance of indoor and outdoor tracks. With the abundance of tracks comes opportunity for races to challenge the RC driver at any level. While at my local track “Coyote Hobbies” last night I overheard a conversation and promptly butted in and voiced my opinion. The conversation was on the topic of series races. I am all for series races, there is something about combined points over time rather than just a one and done type race that is attractive to me. Dave Batta the owner of the track asked if I would race a big series like JBRL, “Jimmy Babcock Racing League” the JBRL is the most popular racing series in Southern California followed closely by Top Notch Series both offer Electric and Nitro Series. My reply was “I race in the best series in the world, why do I need to race JBRL?” I went on to say I support my local track so if JBRL came to town I would race here at the local track. I am a member of VRC and enjoy racing with people from all over the world on a weekly basis. Dave then informed me that the person I was speaking to was Jimmy Babcock, “woops!”
I look forward to the series racing coming this winter at my local track; I am eagerly anticipating the VRC World Championships of off Road. I totally geek out over my points and from time to time can get a little crazy in the VRC World forum.

Big Track Big Racing
The racing at Silver Dollar is always fast (65.9 km/h top speed) and competitive one mistake can separate you from the rest of the field making it very difficult to make up time.

In the SC10 4WD Pro Martin Wollanka handily whooped the competition, the nearest competitor was 20 seconds behind. Martin, Kirby Backemeyer and the newby to the pro class Edouard Hugon ran 1,2,3. Martin is smooth fast and precise in places that the rest of the class just can’t match. The back straight is long and fast followed by a left hand turn table, I watched in amazement when Martin attacked that part of the track, blasting full speed hitting the brakes at the last minute and slinging his truck into the air while turning. It is no wonder he won by such a margin. (video)

Sport Class Mod SC10 4wd top three was Robert Sorjonen, Miquel Codina, Maximilian Graf. Alan Reeves took off fast leading across the timing stipe for lap one but it was short lived he never made it back to the front. Robert and Miguel swapped position on lap 2,3,9,10, 11 before Robert began to pull away. Mad Max would have to be content to settle for third.

Club Class top three were Ivan Taylor, Paul Mitchell, Riccardo Perin this was the closest race of the weekend with a one second difference between 1st and 2nd place.

Driver Spotlight: Rob Gillespie

DES: 2013 has been a great year for you; starting with a 2nd place 2wd open and a 1st place 4wd open at the ready race of champions. Finishing in the top 40 at the IFMAR World Championship this year was pretty awesome too.
RG: I have been involved in rc racing since I was five years old, but I started racing all the time in 2007.
DES: WOW that is awesome you have accomplished a lot in six years, good job. What is your current level of sponsor support? Do you work a day job or is RC your way to make a living?
RG: I race for Team Associated, Reedy, Proline and Intermountain RC raceway. I am at my local track four days a week so I help out all the new customers that are just getting started in the hobby. Intermountain R/C Raceway 8481 W 2700 S, Magna, Utah

DES: That is a nice track, lucky it is indoors it looks very cold there. What was life like before VRC?
RG: Not much has changed since I started playing VRC, I still go to the track four days a week.
DES: That is cool if I went to the track 4 days a week it would cost me $120.00 per month plus parts and tires. I get most of my track time from VRC. I go to the track once a week; I try to race 2-3 times a month. How much time do you spend practicing VRC?
RG: I usually don't practice too much; I really enjoy the point series. They are always on a different track and even different directions, which is really fun.
DES: Yes racing the series races are virtual but it is the most fun I have ever had playing any game. I teach special education working mostly with at risk kids; this is a tough and rewarding job. I would never have imagined that this would be my career. When you were a kid what did you imagine would be your career?
RG: When I was younger I really enjoyed basketball, so probably something to do with the NBA.
DES: Awesome I used to coach basketball that is a great sport. A lot of guys who race RC started out with their dad as the mechanic, is this case with you?
RG: Yes, when I was younger my dad built my cars and worked on them. But now I build all my cars and work on them.
DES: Do you do your own car set-up for big races or do you have someone who does that for you?
RG: I usually run my own setups, it is also fun to try different setups and see what the differences are.
DES: Congratulation on your success this year best of luck and continued success in the future.
RG: Thank you, I will continue to have fun and try to get faster.

Setting Goals and Making Progress
Speaking of going faster Rob has just clinched both the SC10 4wd Mod and Stock class Season 4 Championships. In all there were two sweeps this series Rob took the top spot in both Mod and Stock Pro. Robert Sorjonen took the top spots in both Mod and Stock and Ivan took a shot at the championship in both but came up tied with Eric Chmielewski in the Mod class. In VRC in case of a tie in the one who has more wins in the series is awarded the win. Eric won two races and Ivan won one.

SCT Pro Mod
1. Rob Gillespie US 357
2. Matthew Stacey CA 330
3. Francis Wathlet BE 318
4. Nicolas Evens BE 302
5. Jerome djay Delcourt FR 299
6. Arjan Van de Graaf NL 273
7. Maxime Noble FR 269
8. Claus Didriksen NO 268
9. Magnus Hansson SE 267
10. Michél Guggisberg CH 264

SCT Sport Mod
1. Robert Sorjonen CA 360
2. Lindsay Mccabe ES 333
3. Dan Schellenberg CA 327
4. Keith Lewis US 315
5. Miquel Codina ES 313
6. Alan Reeves GB 303
7. Per-Anders Wilhelmsen NO 284
8. Mike Strack DE 277
9. Edward Stover US 267
10. Curtis Tockey US 253

SCT Club Mod
1. Eric Chmielewski US 348
2. Ivan Taylor US 348
3. Ulf Stenvall SE 336
4. Alec Sanderson US 306
5. Matthias Umfahrer AT 300
6. Josef Angleitner AT 287
7. Bart Banach PL 284
8. Giuseppe Barba IT 279
9. Mark Thornewill GB 273
10. DELAMARE Christophe FR 262

SCT Spec 13.5 Pro
1. Rob Gillespie US 357
2. Francis Wathlet BE 339
3. Jerome djay Delcourt FR 336
4. Nicolas Evens BE 315
5. Maxime Noble FR 292
6. Arjan Van de Graaf NL 290
7. Magnus Hansson SE 266
8. Anthony Honstain US 266
9. Shon Harding US 263
10. John Trottmann CH 261

SCT Spec 13.5 Sport
1. Robert Sorjonen CA 360
2. Dan Schellenberg CA 348
3. Miquel Codina ES 342
4. Massimo Salvini SE 288
5. Lindsay Mccabe ES 288
6. Florian Graf DE 279
7. Alan Reeves GB 266
8. Mike Strack DE 257
9. Markus Aicher DE 252
10. Curtis Tockey US 251

SCT Spec 13.5 Club
1. Ivan Taylor US 345
2. Eric Chmielewski US 336
3. Ulf Stenvall SE 330
4. Andreas Kletzenbauer AT 324
5. Alec Sanderson US 309
6. Josef Angleitner AT 306
7. Giuseppe Barba IT 271
8. DELAMARE Christophe FR 263
9. Mark Thornewill GB 257
10. Brian Watson US 247

Seasons come and seasons go this one was abbreviated because of what is looming on the horizon. There are many good things in store in the weeks to come. Here is a look at VRC Yearend World championship Schedule.

1. 27 Nov – 8 Dec. 1:10 200mm nitro sedans at Messina Italy
2. 4 Dec. – 15 Dec. 1:12 sportscars at Orlando Florida – presented by TEKIN
3. 11 Dec. – 22 Dec. 1:10 ISTC touringcars at Heemstede Indoor NL – presented by TEKIN
4. 18 Dec. – 29 Dec. 1:10 Short Course Trucks at Silver Dollar 1:10 WC * – presented by TEKIN
5. 18 Dec. -29 Dec. 1:8 nitro sportscars at Heemstede Netherlands


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22.09.2020 [22:17]
That was a fun season for sure. Great racing all.
Edited by author: 22.9.2020 21:18:16 GMT

Edited by author: 22.9.2020 21:21:05 GMT

Edited by author: 22.9.2020 21:26:38 GMT
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05.09.2020 [07:22]
I was impressed with the site that you created, so memotipasi many people to be more advanced, there also kunjugi me, as a comparison
30.11.2013 [18:48]
That was a fun season for sure. Great racing all.
30.11.2013 [17:05]
congratulation rob!!
30.11.2013 [03:27]
Good to see another interview! Congratulations on the series win Rob!

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