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Buggyland Fuencarral Spain, home of sevral major championships and favorite among many of the top buggy racers.
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1:8 Nitro buggyn/a
1:8 Nitro buggy Specn/a
1:10 Short Course 4WDn/a
1:10 Short Course 4WD 13.5Tn/a
1:8 Electric buggyn/a
1:8 Electric buggy Specn/a
1:10 Electric Stadium Truckn/a
1:10 Electric Stadium Truck Specn/a
1:10 Electric Crawlern/a
1:8 Rally Xn/a
1:8 Rally X Specn/a
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28.12.2017   1 comment   Video: 1 available


Marc de Zwart from Austria was the big surprise in 1:8 electric buggies modified class, not many saw this coming but himself. De Zwart took the early lead with a blistering start, taking advantage of a poor opening lap of fresh VRC World Champion in SC Trucks open class and official Associated team driver Tom Rinderknecht. It took the young American driver just 1 lap to claim back 2nd position from Warren Jones and from then on it was RACE ON. The 8 minute final was one of the closest battles we've seen so far during this Worlds. De Zwart kept his cool, drving tighter lines than Rinderknecht and Jones, which gave him a deserved win at the end, although with the narrowest of margins: just 0.1 on Rinderknecht and 0.5 on Jones. A MUST WATCH video!

1.|Marc De Zwart|AT|12|08:01.554|1
2.|Tom Rinderknecht|US|12|08:01.671|3
3.|Warren Jones|US|12|08:02.051|2
4.|Jonas Larsson|SE|12|08:08.331|10
5.|James Le Pavoux|GB|12 08:09.794|5
6.|Erik Bottosso|IT|12|08:10.234|9
7.|Robert Hillman|SE|12|08:12.037|... read more


15.12.2017   6 comments   Video: 1 available


PRO class

Warren Jones from the USA has retained his title in 1:8 electric buggy Spec class. The 2016 Champ had to drive his socks off to take the 2017 title after a poor start. Poor that is loosing 1.5 seconds in the opening lap, 0.9 seconds in lap 4 and 0.7 seconds in lap 6... That's how closely cotested this Pro A-Main final was. Jordan Lot from France took the early lead with his fellow Frenchman Gaetan Anger in hot persuit. A bad mistake by Anger in lap 4 cost him 3 seconds and he was then passed by Jones to take second behind Lot. It was until 3 laps before the end that Jones had finally caught up with Lot after a small mistake costing him half a second, and managed to pass him. As the only driver to do 2 sub-40 second laps Warren Jones was crowned 2017 VRC World Champion, despite crashing his car on the finishline... Just 13 seconds separated the top-8 finishers in this A-Main. Must watch video!

PRO class

1.|Warren Jones|US|12|08:24.269
2.|Jordan Lot|FR|12|08:25.000 ... read more

Event report for: 2017 VRC WORLDS 1:8 NITRO BUGGIES SPEC

08.12.2017   13 comments   Video: 1 available


Lot takes PRO, Carcia SPORTS and Dillon CLUB

PRO level
The featured A-Main (check out the video) is Pro class which showed some exciting competition between Lot, Jones and Wollanka. Lot was super consistent the whole 30 minute final, 1 small error in lap 39 cost him just 1 second! Jones and Wollanka chased him down lap after lap but simply lost more time in their charge to catch up with Lot. Wollanka's error in lap 27 cost him 5 seconds and 2nd place to Jones. Wollanka stretched his pitstops to the max and could therefore take the lead in lap 37 but a late splash and dash in lap 40 put him back in 3rd. There were just 2 sub-40 seconds laps, and they were squeezed out by Jordan Lot in lap 42 and 43, a true World Champion!

1.|Jordan Lot|FR|44|30:17.634
2.|Warren Jones|US|44|30:21.392
3.|Martin Wollanka|AT|44|30:24.372
4.|Gaetan ANGER|FR|44|30:38.289
5.|Ely Rojas|US|43|30:19.626
6.|Robert Hillman|SE|43|30:23.663
7.|Erwan Poulin|FR|43|30:33.123
8.|Andrea Giordano|IT|43|30:33.7... read more


01.12.2017   2 comments   Video: 1 available


Gaetan Anger from France has added a third title to his 2017 VRC Worlds campaign by winning 1:10 short course spec class at the new track Buggyland Fuencarral, Spain.

He has already won RallyX Spec in Pro class, and 1:10 nitro sedans spec in Sport class. This victory came after another hard fought battle, this time with Joan Espasa from Spain, and Tom Rinderknecht from the US, these 3 making up the Pro class podium. The first 6 cars finished within 9 seconds after 10 minutes of intense racing. Espasa had a sloppy start loosing 2 valuable seconds in the 2 opening laps, and managed to catch up the leader in lap 8. The battle stayed close till lap 13 where a small mistake lost him a second on the leader. Rinderwalt had to fight hard for 3rd place with Jordan Lot from France, finishing just 2/10 ahead fo the Frenchman.

Anger again displayed great form, with all his laps in the 42 seconds, like clockwork! A well deserved Worlds title, congrats!

PRO Class

1|Gaetan ANGER|FR|14|10:1... read more




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