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VRC bash pit indoor track, long lay-out, perfect for 13.5T short course trucks..

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1:8 Nitro buggyn/a
1:8 Nitro buggy Specn/a
1:10 Short Course 4WD 13.5Tn/a
1:8 Electric buggyn/a
1:8 Electric buggy Specn/a
1:10 Electric Stadium Truckn/a
1:10 Electric Stadium Truck Specn/a
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1:8 Rally X Specn/a
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Smashing it, at the Bash Pit (Long)



Report by Donald Stark (VRC race reporter)

Dynamic Racing Community
VRC world has a message board that is active 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Users offer suggestions and input concerning upcoming releases and race format. Users are encouraged to voice their opinions; the developers are always looking for ways to improve the SIM. One improvement soon to release is the 3D suspension (3DS) that will debut on the short course trucks.

Get Your Glasses, 3D Coming Soon!
It’s not your grandmothers 3D, you don’t need special glasses or a new video card. This 3D is about how the chassis reacts in the virtual world. Just as your real cars react to physical properties of inertia, force and friction based on the track and speed traveled so will the 3D car react in the virtual world. The new chassis has 76 animated suspension and steering parts. The 'Todd' has been locked away in a MAN CAVE with nothing more than Dr. Pepper, skittles and a computer for the last eight months. He has done an amazing job with this new addition to the game. This is a necessary step in the development process. The next project appears to be 1:8th scale buggies. With the release of buggies we should see BIG BAD TRACKS. Thanks Todd!!!!!!!!!! Your pain is our gain.

Round 2 Racing Action
The spec class has changed placing a limit on the motor, this change made a few upset due mainly to vital setups being lost in the process. The change however is good overall because the 13.5 motor is limited and will allow for closer competition in theory. The class separation has shown to be effective in allowing drivers to have a fighting chance to win at their own level.

As with any class system there are exceptions such as drivers moving into the game that are super-fast but they don’t know how to select the proper skill level. Here is the deal, if you are racing CLUB and running 30 laps this week, do everyone a favor and move up to sport. If you are racing SPORT and running 31 laps Move up to pro. I could to the playground and whoop on some third graders in basketball but it is way more fun to go to the Gym and play with the big boys. What glory is there in racing a slower class and winning by two laps? I posted a top 50 combined results in this thread if you’re interested in viewing the results.

This week in the Pro class there is a new winner, Kirby Backemeyer has been dominating lately. This week Martin Wollanka showed up to give Kirby a run for his money in the 13.5 Pro and Open Pro Martin took the win he went flag to flag, unchallenged. Kirby started in second and finished in second, there were a few points in the race when he appeared to close in on Martin but then little mistakes would allow Martin to pull away. There was a small battle for third with a swap between Rob Gillespie, Nicolas Evens and Antonello Parisi. Parisi took off to an early 3rd place run with Nicholas and Rob in tow. Antonello held this for 5 laps as Nicholas and Rob finally capitalized on his mistakes. Rob passed Nicolas in the rhythm section and held third place until lap 25 when he made a few mistakes on the same lap. Nicolas was able to overtake him for 3rd but it was not going to last on the very next lap Rob took third back and never looked back.

Rob Gillespie Yellow #1

Top 10 Pro 13.5 2013 Season 3  (Round 1 + Round 2 total)
1 Kirby Backemeyer 237
2 Nicolas Evens 228
3 Jussi Kankaanmäki 216
4 Francis Wathlet 207
5 Donald Stark 186
6 Claus Didriksen 185
7 Michael Death 178
8 Victor Snarskis 176
9 Magnus Hansson 174
10 Gergely Toth 160

Top Pro Modified 2013 Season 3
1 Kirby Backemeyer 237
2 Rob Gillespie 231
3 Jussi Kankaanmäki 222
4 Nicolas Evens 216
5 Francis Wathlet 204
6 Magnus Hansson188
7 Claus Didriksen 187
8 Gergely Toth 177
9 Darren Lord 162
10 Victor Snarskis 158

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Speak Your Mind
As I said earlier this is a user input friendly game, if you have an idea that can improve the game post it in the message boards. Of course every idea cannot be explored but it can certainly be discussed. While sharing your ideas and playing the game with others you will develop relationships that make the game more dynamic. Try to remember while doing so that this is a global community and with that comes certain communication barriers. Some members have to translate your post into their language before they can read it and some things get lost in translation. The boards have been active lately and some very passionate discussions have centered around 1/8th scale buggies and 3D truck release. It seems everyone is eager for 1/8th scale buggies, the first step in that process is the 3D suspension. 3D suspension is almost ready for release. Complaints about the release of a new truck were sounded because racers realized that the set-ups they are currently using will no longer be valid. This is understandable and certainly valid but this is a necessary step, release 3D short course truck, then beta 1/8th scale buggies. LIFE TIME MEMBERS HAVE ACCESS TO BETA. Oh did I say that out loud?

On The Cutting Edge
These are exciting time to be part of a game like VRC. Whether you’re a racer, tester, developer or just like to talk mess on the message board you have to realize we are on the cutting edge of greatness. Much like Team Associated revolutionized the off road world so is VRC revolutionizing the RC simulator. The game and the real world are on a crash course mixing and mashing virtual and reality seamlessly.


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Pages: 1 | 2 (Total posts: 13)
01.08.2013 [15:39]
To clarify Donald's reply. Being an unlimited all-inclusive member doesn't mean that you are automatically a beta tester. What this means is that we recrute our beta testers only from Unlimited premium members. Beta testing with all unlimited members would be unmanageable. We usually try to work with a group of 10-20 specialized members if it comes down to testing a new car. Like for 1:8 nitro buggy we will recrute them from off-road racers in our community, with good real and virtual racing experience, good understanding of car set-up and able to provide good feedback to us, else it doesn't make much sense to be a beta tester.

Hope this clarifies it.
01.08.2013 [07:12]
Posted by: Donald Stark (US) on 31.7.2013 13:55:00 (UTC) VRC offers life time members access to the BETA testing of new program features before the release. There is an Alpha Test group and a beta Test Group. The alpha testing is of course first, this is done by a select few and the programmer to ensure that the programming will run and performs its intended function. Next comes the BETA testing this is a bigger group, usually starts with some specific perimeters. Testing frame rates handling and performance, setup features etc... The cool thing about VRC is if you are a life time member you have access to this BETA group along with your membership. It is sometimes like work but really is cool to be a part of the development.

Awesome, Im a life member, woohoo bring on beta testing.

Same as alot of us ive been hanging for 1/8 buggy which is what i race for real.

Thanks for the explanation guys!
31.07.2013 [14:55]
VRC offers life time members access to the BETA testing of new program features before the release. There is an Alpha Test group and a beta Test Group. The alpha testing is of course first, this is done by a select few and the programmer to ensure that the programming will run and performs its intended function. Next comes the BETA testing this is a bigger group, usually starts with some specific perimeters. Testing frame rates handling and performance, setup features etc...

The cool thing about VRC is if you are a life time member you have access to this BETA group along with your membership. It is sometimes like work but really is cool to be a part of the development.
31.07.2013 [11:57]
beta is a term developers use alot of times when developing new software or a game. When they state that they are in beta test stage of things, it usually means most features and physics are working and the software and or game is working but testing on all the features is still taking place to make sure there not any hidden problems or unwanted things and or bugs causing problems. When developers use this term it is usually a good thing and things are going well and almost ready for release as a working/finished product.
edit - just what Panos stated as I was typing all that stuff - edit

Edited by author: 31.7.2013 10:59:06 GMT
31.07.2013 [11:49]
Posted by: Wade Lazich (AU) on 31.7.2013 9:27:43 (UTC) Cool report fellas. What is Beta?

Beta is the almost final version of a new program that comes out before the official release, so some selected beta testers will test the version for bugs and report to the developer to fix them before the program hits the market ;-)
31.07.2013 [10:27]
Cool report fellas.

What is Beta?
30.07.2013 [17:38]
Nice report Donald, I like the way you expand to other subjects except the race!
About 3D suspension I hope that we will see it soon on the on road cars also ;-)
30.07.2013 [03:00]
Thanks guys, I try hard to make it worth reading.

Kirby you were close a few times, Martin was just so close to perfect on the turns he is amazing. 33 laps almost exactly the same line everywhere.
29.07.2013 [21:25]
Nice report, Martin W I believe won one of the beginning seasons of short course. This was when Joor and some other very fast racers were running as well. Those couple of first seasons were super tough, I could barely ever maybe make the top 5. The lap times Martin was hitting on this track this race were super quick - I had no chance.
29.07.2013 [20:03]
I like your reports !

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