30.03.2017 4 comments Category: Event publications Video: 1 available
Report by VRC race reporting
VRC PRO had released new X2 track and this stage was hosting 4th round of RallyX serie.
This track has pretty easy 180 corners but very tricky two sloped corners, where you have to be very precise with speed and braking. Who handles those corners perfectly, was favourite to take this round.
American Ely Rojas increased his pace during this event and took convincing win. Despite his 5 second mistake at lap 11, with average 25.7, there was no challengers for him.
Swedish Robert Hillman was closest behind Rojas, he was most consistent of top3. But with average 25.9, he had to settle to second place.
Carson Yeung got third place, over 9 seconds behind winner.
Ely Rojas, PRO level winner
In SPORT level Hijrah Saputra was strongest. He was standing at fifth grid after semifinals but he had... read more
29.03.2017 2 comments Category: Event publications
James Le Pavoux of Great Britain won the recent 1.8 Electric Buggy race at Silver Dollar. Le Pavoux was the only driver to complete 20 laps in this action packed final. Sweden’s young gun Jonas Larsson was the top qualifier, but Larsson clipped a corner during the zero lap of the final and needed to be marshalled. The mishap cost Larsson about 5 or 6 seconds and dropped him to dead last before he even completed a lap. Thus, Larsson was in catch up mode throughout the final. Larsson used fast laps to slowly but surely overtake the rest of the field. However, despite his best efforts, it wasn’t enough to catch up with the smooth and consistent laps posted by Le Pavoux. While Larsson posted more sub 30 second laps (5 to Le Pavoux’s 2), Le Pavoux’s final was mistake free and his slowest lap was still a very quick 30.900 seconds. Le Pavoux finished with 20 laps in 10:27.306; Larson took second with 19 laps in 10:03.223.
Le Pavoux'... read more
22.03.2017 3 comments Category: Event publications Video: 1 available
Report by VRC race reporting
2017 SEASON 1 1:10 SC TRUCKS 13.5T ROUND 4 Bash Pit long
Fourth round of Short Course 13.5 serie was raced at Bash Pit long track.
It wasnt any suprise as we saw Swedish offroader Robert Hillman at top of the list. This 38 years old driver was on fire and showed incredible pace during whole event. At qualifying and semifinal Arturas Svoba was closest to challenge Hillman but even he had many seconds to catch up. Hillman drove magnificent final, and despite four bigger mistakes, he won this race with enormouss one lap distance before Australian Mark Clews.
Clews runned very good final, he started from third grid and got to second place.
Lithuanian Arturas Svoba was third in this final. He started from second grid but he had six bigger mistakes and these allowed Clews to get second place.
Hillman was at own level
French Gaetan Anger... read more
14.03.2017 10 comments Category: Site news Video: 2 available
A new addition to our rally track collection: Rally X2. With the 2 big ramps this new track offers some serious challenges to the avid r/c rally racer. The track features 4 hairpins which invite you to make perfect drifts and power slides to gain time on the competition. To get them right you need to practice, practice, practice... Round 4 of the 2017 Season Series for Rally X is starting May 18th...
The new Rally X2 track is immediately available for all members with an all-inclusive license. Free2Play members can obtain the new track with vEuros which can be purchased in the the VRC e-shop.

14.03.2017 40 comments Category: Site news
We are still more than 3 months away from Season 2, but it's time to start discussing race formats and schedules for Season 2 based on the experiences so far with Season 1. Participation in some of the classes is down which calls for some serious re-thinking of the whole event structure.
I am thinking of some radical changes to create more focus on events and certain classes.
One of the problems we are facing is class dilution. We offer so many classes now that participation is spread thin over all these classes, resulting in fewer and fewer participants per event. Just like what has happened in real r/c over the past 20-30 years. Of course we must try to get participation up by getting new members into VRC and get them racing. But we could also look at reducing the number of classes we are racing each season.
For example:
Season 1: nitro buggies - sc truck - 1:10 nitro sedans - 1:12 electric sportscars
Season 2: electric buggies - rally X - 1:8 nitro sportscars - 1:10 electric to... read more
14.03.2017 4 comments Category: Event publications Video: 1 available
Report by VRC race reporting
SEASON 1 2017 RALLY X ROUND 3 Messina X
Third round of RallyX modified continued at MessinaX track. Earlier in here, spec class was raced and drivers had huge struggles with backstraight jump. Even race organizer got lot of complains about this issue, but in the end, it gave lot of exitement for the spec race.
At modified class, that particular jump didnt was no big deal, as drivers had more power to control that flight. Swedish offroader Robert Hillman showed magnificent skills and totally crushed others at main final. Because of very slippery behaviour, this modified RallyX class needs talented offroader hands, and Robert proved this, by hitting so consistent run and nobody couldnt answer that. When race ended, Robert was almost one lap ahead second place driver Carson Yeung. Italian Tommaso Andreuccetti got third place, 7 seconds behind Yeung.
[img=http://www.vrcworld.com/getimage.ashx?110539713,6... read more
08.03.2017 2 comments Category: Event publications
VRC Centurion, Graham Raistrick of the UK, won the first official VRC race at Lausanne. Raistrick and American Dana Bailes were the only two competitors to finish the final with 44-laps. Raistrick finished with a time of 8:04.420; Bailes was 4.766 seconds back with a time of 8:09.186. The pair was neck and neck for the first seven laps, but Bailes made mistakes on laps 8 and 9 giving Raistrick nearly a six second cushion. Bailes pushed hard over the next seven laps to pull within four seconds of Raistrick, but additional mistakes on laps 18 and 21 dropped Bailes to fourth position and proved too much to overcome. Bailes’ pace for the second half of the race was faster than Raistrick’s, and he was able to overtake Jon Esteban Martin of Spain and Michitaka Yanagisawa of Japan before time elapsed. However, Raistrick’s time proven method of smooth and steady driving proved to be the winning strategy.
[img=https://www.vrcworld... read more
06.03.2017 11 comments Category: Event publications Video: 1 available
Report by VRC race reporting
Third round of Rally X spec series was helded at Messina X track. First and second race winners Tommi Vacklin and Ely Rojas didnt participate to this event, but we had lot of drivers to get this just released track tested in race conditions.
Ok, all had some difficulties with big jump at backstraight and it was such a place that you had to be consistently precise and careful with that one, if you wanted to be at podium.
At qualifying round Huhtala was setting the pace to others and left second place driver Carson Yeung, 3.8 seconds behind. Third and fourth fastest was Sandro Cabreira and Robert Hillman.
Yeung, Cabreira and Hillman were all with very identical distance to the leader.
Huhtala was luckiest in PRO level
Semifinal round start to show the truth of the pace. Hillman was furi... read more
04.03.2017 6 comments Category: Event publications Video: 1 available
text Kevin Bacon
photos and video VRC race reporting
American Joshua Berman was the only racer to achieve 75 laps in his most recent victory in 1.8 Nitro Sportscar Spec at Fiorano. Berman was also the only racer to achieve 46 laps in the semi-final and top qualifier in the qualifying round. Berman finished the 20-minute final with an incredibly consistent run and average lap of 15.761 seconds. Second place was claimed by fellow American racer Kevin Bacon. Bacon finished about a half lap behind Berman. Bacon’s average lap was 15.842.
Joshua Berman was once again unstoppable
However, the real story was battle for the third podium position. It literally took a photo finish to determine who reached the finish line first. Ireland’s Austin Elliot started the final in 3rd position but UK’s Graham Raistrick challenged Ell... read more