Riaan Rowan
Check out HotRace Tyres
The Hottest R/C Tyres on tracks around the world !
Edited by author: 5.1.2013 15:51:09 GMT
Riaan Rowan
Check and Like this page :
Some Super Awesome Custom R/C Paintjobs by Javan Candy
Edited by author: 5.1.2013 15:49:32 GMT
Riaan Rowan
Check out Team AME Traction Fluids and new T-
Edited by author: 5.1.2013 15:50:19 GMT
Javan C
Just had a peek on your website+facebook.
Amazing how its going.
Thx for your feedback regarding my paint,
Just started my own facebook
Come say hi:D or like or whatever it is people do on this site.
Its people like you that encourage others to pursue their goals and help them out,so thank you
Much thanks
Edited by author: 4.12.2012 23:03:13 GMT
Riaan Rowan
PRO on 30 August 2012 , so happy !!!
Riaan Rowan
Found another great r/c tool on the net http://rccrewchief.wrightdesign.ca/
Riaan Rowan
Just won my 1st Club Race on VRC and it feels great! Know it doesn't mean much , but to have come from so far back a month ago and now be able to win is amazing! Thanx to all those who have helped me so far!!!
Riaan Rowan
This is to:
Nicola,Jose,Paul,Marcin,Jason,Shaun & Atsushi
Thank You All So Much for all the help so far! I enjoy my VRC experience so much more now that I'm doing a bit better than before! This is thanx to hard work and to all the advice,assistance and guidance you have given and still give me!
Many Many Thanx
Riaan Rowan
898km practice & racing in 4 days! Loved it!