Kevin P.6x VRC World Champion
Posted by: Richard Bjørnstad (NO) on 6.8.2015 14:15:03 (UTC)
Huge thanks for this set-up. This is my fastest set-up so far and for me, I do 0,2-0,3 faster laps. Still trying to get the 95% achievement even though 11,200 didn't give me it. Kinda frustrating lol
Posted by: Adrian Rice (AU) on 18.1.2015 4:34:20 (UTC)
Question - how do you move the body??... none of the spec chassis available allow this!!!!
Try the 'Aerospeed S05E R2TW' Body and you can then adjust that. No need to buy another one because it's free :)
Edited by author: 6.8.2015 16:07:57 GMT
Richard B
Huge thanks for this set-up. This is my fastest set-up so far and for me, I do 0,2-0,3 faster laps. Still trying to get the 95% achievement even though 11,200 didn't give me it. Kinda frustrating lol
Posted by: Adrian Rice (AU) on 18.1.2015 4:34:20 (UTC)
Question - how do you move the body??... none of the spec chassis available allow this!!!!
Try the 'Aerospeed S05E R2TW' Body and you can then adjust that. No need to buy another one because it's free :)
Edited by author: 6.8.2015 16:07:57 GMT
Enrico T
ciao Kevin se ti lascio la mia mail in privato mi alleghi il setup in questione? buona serata
Kevin P.6x VRC World Champion
Posted by: Adrian Rice (AU) on 18.1.2015 4:34:20 (UTC)
Question - how do you move the body??... none of the spec chassis available allow this!!!!
I think you have to buy a body differet from standard one . With it you can't change body position but with other you could !
Adrian R.
Question - how do you move the body??... none of the spec chassis available allow this!!!!
Enrico L.
il fatto è che non mi da proprio il download è come se il link che hai messo non contenesse niente,sembra tutta pubblicità...
Kevin P.6x VRC World Champion
Se scarichi il set-up lo devi mettere nella cartella del gioco e te lo legge automaticamente , altrimenti prova con lo screenshot ricopiandolo
Enrico L.
ciao kevin ascolta una cosa,non mi apre il setup sul sito che hai linkato come devo fare?
Edward P.
I've tried this setup and I find the car pushes for my liking.
Stephane L.
Posted by: Kevin Pignotti (IT) on 6.9.2014 14:59:25 (UTC)
Done !! :D
Could you repost the car setup for VRC Carpet 2 1/10 SPEC please ?
Can't download with your link !
Kevin P.6x VRC World Champion
Done !! :D
Kevin P.6x VRC World Champion
Posted by: Philippe Gross (CH) on 1.9.2014 17:35:45 (UTC)
Can you post your replay via VRC and not via external Provider? I can't download that, I just see the setup Picture. Thank you.
I will do it soon !
Philippe G
Hello Master Kevin, thanks for your Setup. I try it and did some small driving style adjustments and get a 11.2 sec lap time. Normally that should be the 95% Track Record Achievement but I think the track record is corrupt at the moment because last week Billy Caley get a 10.784sec lap times and didn't get the 95% Track Record Achievement!
Can you post your replay via VRC and not via external Provider? I can't download that, I just see the setup Picture. Thank you.
Edited by author: 3.9.2014 12:04:22 GMT
Kevin P.6x VRC World Champion
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