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Club name: Hispanic Racing Team
Created: 24.06.2011
Manager: Fernando Cortina
Country: MX Mexico
Home track: Toluca Pegaso Raceway
Members: 83

Tips & knowledge item

VRC PRO for mac added: 31.12.2011

Category: Software     Views: 24833     Rating:    

A user posted this:
"Okay, I successfully loaded VRC on a MAC and VRC Support asked me to post a topic for potential VRC users who own a MAC.

First, you must have a INTEL based MAC, Then you must install Windows on your MAC. To do this you will need to download "Boot Camp" from Apple.com. I originally tried to run Windows with a program called "Parallels" but it was not entirely successful. VRC ran well, but when you plugged in a USB adapter, it would crash windows. Apple support suggested "Boot Camp" Boot Camp is free and you'll need a bona fide Windows XP or Vista full version single install disc. (about $200) IT'S WELL WORTH THE $200. I installed Windows then VRC, the process took about an hour, installed the VRC adapter and use my 3pk with specktrum, NO PROBLEMS, graphics look great... game is a smooth as possible on highest graphics settings. Took me about 3 days to get it all to work so if there are any MAC owners who want to run VRC the way to go is to use Boot Camp, (and I installedWindows XP, not sure about Vista, but Vista will take up more space) install Windows and you're good to go!

Hopefully this saves somebody lot's of time!

VRC is awesome, and I can't wait for Off Road! "

Now I would like to ask for the VRC PRO running native at MAC OS X from 10.6 to 10.7 Lion to get the real thing running not getting the horrible freezing screens when run VRC at windows. Please let me know of there are plans to work on software for mac.


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24.09.2019 [13:20]
Posted by: Felipe Villota (CO) on 19.9.2019 17:09:54 (UTC) Señores, buenos dias. Veo todos estos comentarios muy viejos, sera que al día de hoy es posible instalar el VCR Pro en mi Mac... o que debo hacer para que funcione...!!!

no version for Mac, you can run Windows on Mac with Bootcamp and try that
19.09.2019 [18:09]
Señores, buenos dias.

Veo todos estos comentarios muy viejos, sera que al día de hoy es posible instalar el VCR Pro en mi Mac... o que debo hacer para que funcione...!!!
02.05.2016 [16:37]
Posted by: Andy Wall (DE) on 5/2/2016 12:58:48 PM (UTC) Hello, is it possible to use VRC on my iMac without parallels or bootcamp?

no, VRC is a Windows program
02.05.2016 [13:58]
Hello, is it possible to use VRC on my iMac without parallels or bootcamp?
21.12.2015 [09:17]
Posted by: Lucas Herve-Quentin (FR) on 20.12.2015 10:25:27 (UTC) Le mieux serait de faire une version MAC directement

you can try to use Bootcamp to run Windows
20.12.2015 [10:25]
Le mieux serait de faire une version MAC directement
06.02.2015 [07:45]
Posted by: Simon Ayton (AU) on 15.3.2013 20:59:54 (UTC) Hi I'm running it on my 15" MacBook Pro i7 with bootcamp and win7 and its great. Also running hdmi out to 40" tv. All good. Also using he turnigy gtx3 controller from hobbyking ($30) as it has dsc out port. It's a bargain...

Hey Simon,

i have the same mac as you...problem is i have installed the Parallel Desktop on it and not the full windows...the problem I'm facing is that every time i try to launch the update process, i get the "Error in Download" message when i reach about 60% of the download...any advice?


01.12.2014 [20:28]
Hi Fellows, That's not the real thing on running VRC PRO on a MAC OS since your are running windows on a MAC! What i meant is to get the VRC PRO software package in a deal with the USB running natively on YOSEMITE or MAVERICKS! And what I see is the VRC Pro staff is not paying attention to MAC OS users. It would be great install and run VRC PRO without all Windows complicate configurations stuff and all blah, blah to get this software works on mac!
27.01.2014 [06:25]
on my macbook pro 2.4 ghz 2010 year model use vmware fusion . basically like parallels but better i think. i use a copy of windows service pack 3 and a fly sky gt3c which came with vrc adapter.
24.01.2014 [00:54]
Posted by: Brodie Davies (US) on 18.10.2013 23:42:50 (UTC) i have the mac and set up bootcamp. i downloaded windows and the VRC pro. I loaded but when ever i try to access it, it says createdevice. i click ok and lets me through. The problem is that after clicking ok it says application can not be initiolazed. So after that it just quits out. HELP? anyone know what to do?

I also have the same problem. Anyone have a fix?
15.12.2013 [00:07]
how do you load downloaded car setups using the mac
08.12.2013 [23:41]
i downloaded vrc pro to my iMac it all works fin but i have no sound anyone have this problem
12.11.2013 [08:45]
Posted by: Brodie Davies (US) on 18.10.2013 23:42:50 (UTC) i have the mac and set up bootcamp. i downloaded windows and the VRC pro. I loaded but when ever i try to access it, it says createdevice. i click ok and lets me through. The problem is that after clicking ok it says application can not be initiolazed. So after that it just quits out. HELP? anyone know what to do?

Did you solve your issue? I am having the exact same problem!
19.10.2013 [00:42]
i have the mac and set up bootcamp. i downloaded windows and the VRC pro. I loaded but when ever i try to access it, it says createdevice. i click ok and lets me through. The problem is that after clicking ok it says application can not be initiolazed. So after that it just quits out. HELP? anyone know what to do?
15.03.2013 [20:59]
Hi I'm running it on my 15" MacBook Pro i7 with bootcamp and win7 and its great. Also running hdmi out to 40" tv. All good. Also using he turnigy gtx3 controller from hobbyking ($30) as it has dsc out port. It's a bargain...

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Genaro T.
MX Mexico
Member since 16.07.2011
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